Do You Know The Nutritional Value Of This Fruit

Do you know that Jack fruit is the largest tree fruit in the world?

Originated from Asia(southern India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and three rain forests of Philippines, Indonesia and Malaysia).

This tree is well suited and cultivated in any tropical region of the world, therefore you can grow it in any southern part of this Nigeria.

Nutritional values
Vitamin: Jack fruit is rich in vitamins; vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) and also high in vitamin B.

It also contains folate, Niacin, Riboflavin, jamb runz potassium and magnesium.


Carotenoid( the yellow pigmentation in Jack fruit) is high in vitamin A. Carotenoid protects the body cell from damage, it may also help prevent diseases like cancer and heart disease, as well as eye problems such as Cataract and Macular degeneration.

Health Benefits

-High blood pressure; [/b]the potassium in this fruit helps lower your blood pressure thereby wade off heart disease, stroke and bone loss.
[b]-Constipation; [/b]the high fiber content of Jack fruit helps keep your bowel movement properly.
; your body system digests Jack fruit slowly than some other fruits, so your blood sugar won't rise as quickly as might when you eat other fruits.
- Skin problem; high amount of vitamin C in Jack fruit helps prevent the skin from sun damages.
- cancer; phynonutrient, a natural compound found in Jack fruit helps prevent cancer cells from forming in your body.

Read more - Waec Runz 

Have you seen or eaten this fruit packed with lots of nutrients?